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Lynn Jordan


Lynn Jordan created this program to help empower people to express themselves with fun, play and movement. After seeing the options her parents had, she decided to create a program she would want for herself, to support her own aging process. She is a certified Hatha Yoga instructor, Kripalu Let Your Yoga Dance instructor, Kripalu Let Your Yoga Dance for Special Populations instructor and a GROOVE Method facilitator. She holds a BA in Music.



Joyful Boogie: Empowering People to Express Themselves through Music and Dance.  The choreography is very simple, repetitive moves that anybody can do, whether seated or standing. Participants are encouraged to do the simple move their own way, to uniquely express themselves, and then go on to dance their own moves.The structure of the class is in seven sections, based on seven major types of energy in the body. Participants develop a stronger sense of Safety, Creativity, Strength, Love, Expression, Connection and Divinity, as well as improve balance, mobility and mood.

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